Saturdays 10:00 am PST in February
ChatGPT Workshop
Become a Master at GPT and rock to the top of your class.
This weekend workshop will teach you how to use ChatGPT to support your school work and school projects.
This weekend workshop will teach you how to use ChatGPT to support your school work and school projects.
What's included?
3 Hours of Instruction
Small Class Size
ChatGPT Cheat Sheets
Saturday & Sunday Mornings
Unlock the Power of ChatGPT
ChatGPT has 180 million users, but few of them understand how to maximize its power.
Move To the Top Of Your Class
In this workshop we cover using ChatGPT for academic writing, research, project planning and test preparation.
Jenna Doe
History Teacher
When it came time for Jenna to attend school, she was automatically assigned to the public school nearest her home in the Bronx. She attended every school in the New York City public school system, from elementary school through high school graduation. She credits her success in school to the educational opportunities she had in the public school system. In her adult life, Jenna has worked to ensure that other children have the same opportunities she had in school, and has made it her life’s mission to improve the public school system.